If you are having trouble doing anything on the website then you can always email us on openstudiossuffolk@gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Here are some guides to help you with some things you might want to do on the website:
Updating your Listing on this website
Here is a short guide to updating your listing. Some of the fields in the video have changed but it gives you an idea.
Logged in but not seeing the Edit button
This is usually because you have two or more accounts in our database. Only one of those accounts will be active. Check whether you are logging in to the active account or if you have accidentally logged in to an inactive account.
Logging in to the SOS website
Here is a short video that gives some insight into the process and possible issues you might encounter.
Finding your what3words
A video guide to discovering your what3words location reference.
Adding a Trail to the Calendar
Trails this year will be added as events to the SOS calendar. You can do this in the admin panel here. You can find some instructions how to do this in this document: SOS Website – Add An Event. Just make sure that you choose ‘trail’ for the category and we will approve the trail and get it added to the calendar as soon as possible.