Updates to Printed Directory

The directory goes to the printers for publication in March and so there can be some unavoidable changes made by artists after it goes to print. These changes will be listed here so please check before you visit, just in case anything has changed or if any errors have been made in the printing.

Please note that if there is different data shown in the App as opposed to the printed directory, please consider the data in the App to be correct as we are more able to change that after submission.


Ambrosine Allen is now unable to open on 15/16 June but will be open as advertised on 22/23 June 2024 and 29/30 June 2024.

Gill Bedson is now unable to open on 1/2 June but will be open as advertised on 8/9 June, 15/16 June, 22/23 June and 29/30 June 2024.

Dee Nicholson is now unable to open on 8/9 June but will be open as advertised on 22/23 June.

Norma Read is unable to open her studio this year due to unforeseen circumstances.

Hetty van Wijk is unable to open as she has had to unexpectedly move house before June so please don’t try to visit her studio this year.

Oldman House Studio will not be opening this weekend due to unforeseen circumstances. Rachel apologizes, and hopes to see you next year.


Leigh Driver will not be opening her studio on 15/16 June as stated on BBC Radio Suffolk.