Sea horses - watercolour and gold acrylic
Media Type
Illustrator, cartoonist, digital artist
Self taught artist with diverse interests. This year I’m focused on ocean themes and marine life.

My name is Sherry Tolputt (aka 'The Vital Eddy') and I am a professional British artist who just loves making interesting & beautiful pictures. I specialize in a variety of genres. I'm a graphic designer, cartoonist, animator and illustrator. I like to think of myself as an artist who sees something special and different in every single project.

I started my career in 1988 as a paste-up artist in a busy London quick print shop, moved to a design agency in 1989, went freelance in 1990 and have been working independently ever since.

In the early days I produced artwork for Judge Dredd the Megazine and underground comic Crisis. In 1998, my graphic novel - 'The Cartoon Kama Sutra' - was published by Knockabout Comics. I've worked for print companies, PR agencies, small to medium size companies and magazines. My house was once featured in Inspirations magazine for its quirky and sculptural hand-made features.

My latest living experiment is in progress in Mallorca, where I and and my lovely partner, Peter, have built an off-grid permaculture dwelling space. How possible is it to live sustainably in a modern world? There's a video briefly outlining our setup here

During lockdown, I wrote my satirical crime novel, 'The Feral Women's Institute'. More details here.

These days you're more likely to find me drawing cartoons than designing stationery and more likely than that, I'll be in the garden.

June 2025 Opening Dates
14/15 June 2025
Studio Address
The Studio, Francis Road, Sudbury
Co10 2ss
Studio Directions
Park in Roy’s car park. Francis road is directly opposite Roy’s car park entrance. The studio is half way up. Look for the white gates.
Wheelchair Access?
Visit by Appointment at Other Times?
Social Media Sharing
  • If Stonehenge had been designed by the Swiss - cartoon - digital
  • Types of UK bee - digital
  • David's Coffee Shop cartoon poster - digital
  • Goose sheep love - digital
  • John Peel magazine illustration - digital
  • Climate change cartoon - digital