Artists at work during weekend
Free Coffee/tea biscuits
Hepworth Art Club was (accidentally!) founded in 2015. Painting purely for pleasure, we meet every Monday morning from 10 - 13.00 at Hepworth Pavilion, Church Lane, Hepworth the ethos of the group is inclusivity. We make decisions together and to achieve this, every quarter we hold a ‘review’ session with everyone involved. This review session is designed to ensure the club is ‘running on track’ and for suggesting any changes to ensure the club continues to thrive. A programme with suggested themes and topics is produced quarterly. However, we have a flexible approach and there is always the option for artists to do their own ‘thing’. When funds allow, every quarter we aim to invite at least one guest artist to provide a workshop/demonstration. Currently, we are happily at a maximum of twenty, with a waiting list.