My work stems from a love of the land nurtured by my grandparents in the Lake District. A far cry from the suburbs of London where I grew up. I paint from the heart and focus on light and shapes that catch me. Pathways appear and take me through trees, rocks and hills. I work from sketches and like working outdoors when it’s possible. I use photos to remind me of colours if I have not caught them at the time. My latest works express my deep concern for the devastation of climate change and I have incorporated my life drawings into the land for the first time.
I have exhibited and sold work as a member of Eye Arts Guild and Blaxhall Drawing Group. In 2023 I was chosen to be the resident artist in Halesworth Gallery ‘Art Out’ in shops and businesses in the town. I also showed and sold work in ‘Artistree’ exhibition in Thorington.